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Treatment - Day Programs

Wood Shop program
Bayfield's shop is equipped with industrial equipment and small hand tools. Shop projects include furniture construction, building, remodeling, and small wood work projects.

In the wood shop, emphasis is on encouraging proper work habits and learning an awareness of the behaviour required in a work setting. The apprenticeship teaching method coincides with many of the residents' learning styles. The completion of the projects enhances self-confidence and a sense of self worth.

Farming program
Bayfield provides a variety of farm experience. For example, residents are responsible for animal care and cultivation. This involves farm implementation, as well as daily farm chores.

Often the youth will realize some affection for the animal in his or her care. This affection may become an important modality to soothe an aggressive youth. It also provides an excellent opportunity for staff to develop a positive relationship with the youth.

Equestrian Program
The Equestrian Program is designed to facilitate individual development. Young people learn to develop self-confidence, discipline, determination and respect. The program is set on a farm which includes a riding stable, indoor riding arena, observation area and classroom environment. As knowledge and confidence increase, residents will develop resourcefulness, courage, and skills. Qualities inherent in gaining this knowledge may be translated into positive personal growth and maturity when dealing with pressures in a social context. Residents in the Equestrian Program realize their ability to control and discipline themselves as well as the animal in their charge. The unity between horse and rider is an excellent vehicle for this purpose.

Life Skills Program
The Life Skills Curriculum is designed to teach the developmentally delayed adolescent. It will assist him or her in learning the basic living skills that are necessary for daily positive interactions in our society. It is designed to help the youth adjust to living in their communities with minimal support.

The subjects covered in this curriculum are Literacy, Numeracy, Social Skills, Career Education, Food and Nutrition, Health, Work Experience, Civics, Vocational Skills, Living Skills, Wood Shop, Equine Studies and Physical Education. The course profiles are practical in nature and are easily adapted to each group that is being taught. The complete curriculum takes four semesters.


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