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Treatment - Specialized Programs

Trauma Informed Adolescent Girls Program
A seven-bed trauma-based program for pre- and adolescent girls experiencing mental health or dual-diagnosis concerns. This program offers two crises beds designed for the purpose of short term stabilisation for residents residing in the FBC programs experiencing Crises

Latency Age Program
The Latency Age program has been designed to respond to the needs of children ages 7-12 who have experienced significant trauma and are acting out in a way that is harmful to themselves and/or others. Behaviours include verbal, physical and/or sexual issues and passive-aggressive behaviours. All behaviours are addressed with a holistic approach with consideration to psychosocial, psycho educational, and psychiatric issues.

Bayfield's treatment philosophy is based on Attachment Theory. The Latency Age Program provides a safe, highly-supervised and structured environment which allows for behavioural stabilization and the fostering of therapeutic relationships between children and child care therapists. One of the specific needs of a younger population is a need for nurturing. This is an integral part of the therapeutic milieu, and is delivered in a mindful fashion respecting the developmental ability and individual needs of the child. This creates an atmosphere that is conducive to effective learning and allows children and youth to benefit from therapeutic interventions aimed at developing effective coping skills, age- appropriate social skills.

Eagle Rock Lodge
The Eagle Rock Lodge Program has been designed to meet the needs of our Native children and youth. We believe in providing holistic care that addresses the physical, emotional, spiritual, recreational, and psychological needs of our Native children and youth.

Many of our children and youth have lost a sense of belonging – to a family, to a community, and to the larger world. Bayfield works to create a sense of connectedness to one's family, community and world by encouraging the creation of strong, healthy attachments with significant caregivers, creating a relationship with community members, and an appreciation for how our actions impact others around us and the world as a whole.

The Native culture is rich with symbolism and values that teach mutual respect, stewardship of each other and the planet, and interdependence in that we are all members of a larger environment. Building on these traditions, Bayfield provides a therapeutic milieu that reinforces these values and creates opportunities for success and learning as well as promoting healing, wellness, balance, and harmony.


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